Today I went to the library with all four children. We returned all our books and found new books to check out. I get up to the counter and give the man my library card. I tell him, I know I have a fine, we just returned an overdue book. He then tells me that
Superbowl Food Inspiration (Prepare to gain 10 pouinds)
Superbowl and food. You can’t have one without the other! If you are hosting a party or perhaps you are attending a party and need to bring something yummy, look no further than these two links below! I had to wipe the drool off the keyboard so I could type this post. Looking at all
Weekend Traditions
It’s Saturday morning and I’m making Monkey Bread this morning as I type this. I was thinking about traditions this morning and wondering if any of you have any traditions that you do on the weekend, like do you have a certain type of breakfast food? Are Friday nights date night? Maybe it’s a family
The Kitchen Remodel
When we first considered buying the house we currently live in, Mr.A and I made a list of pros and cons of moving and selling our house that we had just built two years earlier. One of the pros we listed on our sheet was NO large projects needed. HA HA! If you know anything
Mudroom Makeover
Three years ago when we remodeled the kitchen, we added a small mudroom area. At the time we had three girls and we figured it was just enough space for all of us. Well, now we have added an adorable little boy to our family and suddenly the mudroom seems, well, smaller. But, we’ve managed
The Cloffice Reveal
Here it is, my first big room reveal on this blog. I wish I had more photography knowledge for better pictures but I don’t, yet. So if you wouldn’t mind extending some grace for that, I think you’ll enjoy what I have to share! Well after a few weeks of painting, tracing, painting some more,
A gift for your man, spelled R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Ladies,Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and what are you giving your man this year? How about a respect card? You can either purchase a blank card or make a card yourself. Inside you will tell him how much you appreciate his providing for you/your family, acknowledge that he’s a hard worker, a good father, a
Meal Plan Feb. 1st – Feb. 24th
I’m going to be ambitious and make a meal plan for almost the entire month of February! I am thinking if I am planning for two weeks already what’s another week or two? So, there might be a repeat or two but I’m hoping to make both meals at the same time and freeze one.