Good Morning!

Yesterday was a beautiful day here, the sun was out and it was actually warm! Today it’s back to clouds and cold but there is hope that Spring will soon be here, maybe just in time for summer! I don’t know about you but I have been super busy the past few weeks with many

Our Little Boy’s Bedroom Reveal

Ok, the wait is over, the window treatments have been found and this room is finished! I love this room, everytime I walk upstairs and catch a glimpse of the walls, I get a little giddy. Here is what the room originally looked like, it was really a lovely sea glass green. Let’s just call

A Happy Easter indeed!

Today the sun was shining, the birds were singing and we were rejoicing in the Risen King, Jesus and the empty tomb! Thank you Lord!!!! We had a great time of worship and a wonderful message at church this morning. Of course the worship leader was really handsome and sometimes is distracting but he’s my

While I’m busy doing a project, this is what’s going on

My children don’t have school, I’ve acquired three extra children for a total of seven children in the house. Meanwhile, I’m busy sanding, caulking, painting and thinking maybe this project is going way longer than I thought! Here is what I’m working on and what the children have been working on as well. I thought

Blue Ticking Patch Pillow

Seeing as I am now going to have to make some valances for the bub’s room and I’m never going to reveal his room, I thought I’d share with you a pillow I made for his bed. When I purchased the quilt for his bed I didn’t buy the sham and this last time when

Life and Love: Dream a Little Dream


My husband and I lead a small group for couples and we just started reading the book “One Month to Live” by Pastor Kerry Shook and his wife Chris. We are only on the first week so I’m not sure what I think of this book yet but ask me in 30 days and I’ll

Room reveal – not quite yet!

Alright, so blame it on Kohls shipping, the room reveal can not take place yet. I really want to do it but I think that window treatments are sort of important and they aren’t here. Boo. So, I thought I’d share with you what I found today while browsing the local St. Vincents or Vinnie’s

A sneak peek of the bub’s room!

Ok, I’ve been working like a dog the past few days on two different rooms in our house and one is so close to being done, I can’t wait to show it to you! So here is a sneak peek: I’m off to finish cleaning my house, it’s in desperate need of a good picking

Hooray for Sun and Warmth and Spray Painting Season!!!!

I am not sure what I’m more excited about, the snow is gone, the sun is out, it’s warm or it’s spray painting season!!! Ok, the last one wins! I have been waiting dying to get outside with my trusty spray paint and paint some stuff!!!!  We even had our picture taken together.  Aren’t we

Winner of the Chick Hardware Giveaway!

I’m a little sad to see the end of the Blog Warming Party, it’s been a blast getting to meet new friends and blogs out there in the blogging world!  I hope you enjoyed last week as much as I did!  I am hoping, really hoping to have a room reveal for you this week