Random Thursday

Good evening friends. Today is another Random Thursday post where I have no plan or forethought, just some random dribble with some pictures thrown in for good measure. Earlier today I went to IKEA with my mom, she’s in town visiting us for a few days. One of my favorite purchases today was the plastic bag

Progress De-Oakifying My House

Good Morning Peeps! I am so happy that I have knocked out another room on my loooonnnnnggggg list of rooms that need trim paint. It started with the entryway and cloffice area and then the powder room. Now I’ve worked my way into the family room and kitchen. After looking through my photos trying to

Boob Light Buh-Bye!

Good Morning! I have been a busy beaver around these parts, painting the trim in the family room and kitchen is number one on the hit list this week. The second coat of paint will go on later this evening, ok later tonight, as in after 9pm. It looks so awesome, can’t wait to share

Roomspiration Review Closets & Nooks!

Good Morning everyone! What a better way to chase away the Monday morning blues than to review some beautiful spaces that were linked up to our Roomspiration Link Party! I have to say, we were all amazed at the rooms you all linked up! It was so much fun to see your inspiration and creation

Dining Room Dreaming

I was browsing good ol’ CL this morning when I saw this for $40: After dinner we’ll be going to take a gander at that light.  Hopefully I like it as much in person as I do in the picture.  Then I can remove the mother boob. Seeing as our dining room here is smaller

30 Day Photo Challenge Week 2

I’m back with my 30 day Photo Challenge and linking up with Michelle at Ten June. I failed this week, I didn’t hardly spend any time on this and I thought this would be so easy! Here are the ones I did complete this week. Day 8 A bad habit My bubs loves to take

Two lamps for less than $15? Score!

I rearranged our family room the other night with some help from my hubs and his muscles. Does anyone else pronounce it muskles because I was thinking that in my head as I was typing this. Anyways, I love how the family room is coming together with the console behind the couch. I knew it

Two lamps for less than $15? Score!

I rearranged our family room the other night with some help from my hubs and his muscles. Does anyone else pronounce it muskles because I was thinking that in my head as I was typing this. Anyways, I love how the family room is coming together with the console behind the couch. I knew it

Many of you already know about the wonder of Pinterest. If you don’t yet know about Pinterest, you are missing out! Pinterest is a virtual pinboard and it’s wonderful! Have you ever been on a blog or a website and you wanted to save an image or maybe a recipe from the website? Maybe you

Happy Friday!

Today is family picture day so I thought I’d share some of my pins that I’m hoping we can do today. Source: hitefieldphotography.com via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest Source: pinterest.com via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest Source: blog.shannonjdodgephotography.com via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest Source: shannamichellephotography.blogspot.com via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest Source: amelialyon.net via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest Source: batemanbuzz.blogspot.com via Ange@thebloominghydrangea