Happy New Year

Today is the last day of 2011 and I can say this has been a great year for our family! If you would have told me last year on December 31st that we would be completing 3 room makeovers by the end of May, deciding it’s time to move in April and then selling our

2011 Year in Review

2011 is coming to a close and looking back I can say that 2011 had a few big changes for our family! This time last year I was blogging under Love From My Kitchen and had maybe 11 followers which were mostly friends and family. I was having fun blogging my recipes and some things

Christmas Faces & a Link Party

My friend Shan at Family Brings Joy is having a fun link up party this week. It’s a Stunned Faces Photo Link up where you can post pictures of Christmas day and the surprise or stunned look on the person’s face as they are opening a gift. I didn’t capture any this year but I

The end of the Year and a Link Party

Is everyone sad that Christmas is over? I am but we had a great time on Christmas Eve sharing food and fun with some close friends and their children.  We then headed to church and later during bedtime and until 11pm we ended up with kids not being able to sleep and crying.  We just

Merry Christmas

I love this simple, beautiful message of Christmas done by Charlie Brown and Linus.     Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a Most Happy New Year!

Our Christmas Card this year

 I wish I could send you all a card in person but this will have to do.  I have had such fun blogging this year, I’ve learned so much and look forward to learning even more this next year.   Most importantly I have loved interacting with you all, hearing from you and hopefully inspiring

Random Thursday

Good Morning my lovely friends! It’s been a while since I did a Random Thursday post and this week just seems like a perfect one to bring it back. I don’t know about you but I am so exhausted from this past week, I am ready to chill in front of the fire with my

Christmas Cookies 2011

Last week we spent a few hours making cookies together as a family.  It was fun and we even tried out a new to us recipe.  The deadly Peanut Butter Cups which are surrounded by yummy Peanut Butter Cookie cup goodness.   I used this recipe if you want to make these too but don’t blame

Good Morning! I can’t believe it’s the last Monday before Christmas! Where oh where did this month go? Are you all done shopping? I am, I can’t believe it but we are done with our Christmas shopping, this is early for us, we are usually out on Christmas Eve getting some last minute things. Ok,

Christmas Entryway & Banister

Can you believe there are only 9 days until Christmas?  I haven’t felt much like decking the halls here at the new place, mostly because I am too focused on putting rooms together, like our Master Bedroom which is still in an incomplete state and let’s not forget all the oak trim waiting to be painted!