I’m popping in quick to remind you that GFC is going away for me this week as I am in the process of getting a blog redesign and moving to WordPress. You can follow me through RSS feed, email or fb which is all located on the right hand side of the blog. You would
Before & After: Little Boy Vintage Americana Room
After hours of editing photos, I’m finally ready to share our little boy’s bedroom with you. To refresh your memory I posted this before of the bub’s room on Feb. 9th over with Lisa at Shine Your Light for her February Before and After party. The room was dark forest green and had nothing on
Important Announcement – Changes Coming Soon
If you like following The Blooming Hydrangea and you use Google Friend Connect you will no longer receive blog posts starting on March 1st. The GFC button has already been removed from my blog so no one else can sign up to follow with it. I will be switching over to Word Press sometime in
Ok, I was so busy working on the bub’s room this week that I didn’t send out my Blooming Blogger questions in time. What to do, What to do? I know, let my husband have a turn in the hot seat. He is insistent that he can’t be the Blooming Blogger because he doesn’t have
Help Me Pick a Side Table, Any Side Table
The Master Bedroom is coming along, slow and steady. Last week I stopped into a furniture consignment shop and found this green leather chair for $42. I liked the look of her and as seems to be my way, she was a single gal, no partner for her. The end of our bed is in
For those of you who are regular readers, you may have noticed that the Blooming Blogger post did not happen today. I totally spaced on sending out the email and questions so by the time I realized it, it was already too late. Then I thought maybe my hubby could be the Blooming Blogger for
Friday Fun – A Game of Tag
If you follow me on facebook then you know that I should be painting trim right now. Well I am not. I’m trying to psych myself up for it and thought maybe playing this game of Blogger Tag might help. Lisa from Shine Your Light tagged me and I’m supposed to answer the 11 questions
My Anxiety Story Part 2
Master Bedroom Update (again) Painted Nightstands
Happy Valentines Day!
Ah Valentines Day, one of the most commercialized days of the year for love, well after Kim Kardishian’s wedding that is. Or was it her divorce? Did I just say that out loud? Oops! Source: bakerella.com via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of Valentine’s Day is: The reason so many