Monday, Monday, you are here too soon! Was it just me or did this past weekend just fly right on by? Yesterday I did manage a trip to IKEA and although there were many lovely things there, I didn’t buy much and was kind of disappointed. Well we won’t be disappointed this morning because Jenn from
My Little Man’s Bedroom Project – Before
My friend Lisa from Shine Your Light is hosting a before and after party every month. You link up your project in the beginning of the month and then on the last Friday of each month we come back and link up the afters! I’m showing up a little late to the party but better
Spaces I’m Loving Right Now
Today I thought I would share a few of my favorite pins. I’m laid up on the couch right now with some horrible head pain and possible sinus infection so looking at some gorgeous spaces is my medicine for the day. Source: via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest Source: via Ange@thebloominghydrangea on Pinterest Source:
Target + Goodwill= Happy Ange
A few days ago the bub’s and I were out running some errands and I decided we should stop into Goodwill. Did you know that Target brings their clearance to Goodwill? Not sure if all Goodwills get this deal or not but mine does. While browsing the store I saw a beautiful Target box that
Good Morning Lovely People! Is everyone still in a carb/sugar coma from yesterday? Or perhaps it was just me. I love hosting parties and feeding people, I get so excited! We had some neighbors and friends over for the game yesterday and it was so much fun! Towards the end of the month we are
My Anxiety Story Part 1
After the overwhelming response to my post earlier this week on my daughter E’s anxiety , I knew that I would have to share my story with anxiety as well so you could better understand where we are coming from. For as long as I can remember, I have had anxiety. When I was little,
Thank You and a New Way to Follow Your Favorite Blogs!
First of all I just want to say that your emails and comments were so wonderful! I sat at my computer and cried reading your stories that you shared with me, the struggles, the triumphs, the hard roads we all have to walk in our own ways. The prayers that you have offered up for
Anxiety……and a rough day
Today is a different kind of post on the blog. Yesterday was a tough day here. I have mentioned before that our middle daughter who we will call E, struggles with anxiety just like me.E is a great kid, she has such a soft heart, is so compassionate and is the first kid to give