Finding your signature style


If you have not read this article from Darlene at Fieldstone Hill Design about Overcoming Decorating Paralysis, Your Signature Style then please head over and read it now.    I saw the amazing Darlene in action this past summer at Haven.  This girl knows her stuff ladies and she is beautiful both inside and out.

No Spend February Project List

No Spend Month Saving Money

Winter is really pounding us this year which shouldn’t be a surprise as I live in the mid-west.  So what better time to get some projects for the home knocked out then during No Spend February?  These are those annoying, half done projects that I don’t really like doing.  I thought I’d keep a list

No Spend February, half way done!

No Spend Month Saving Money

Yes, it’s only half way because we really didn’t start until the hubby’s first paycheck in February so we are going into March with this, 4 weeks, two paychecks, close enough to a month.    Although we were poor the first week of February anyways so let’s say 5 weeks of no spend.    This

Favorite Gray Paint Colors in Our Home

gray paint colors benjamin moore sherwin williams

  So in case you haven’t noticed, I have an obsession with gray walls in my home.  I thought I’d share with you today what gray colors I use in my home.  One of the reasons I love the gray is that it can be a barely there color on the wall and it goes

No Spend February Project List

No Spend Month Saving Money

Yup, another No Spend blog post!  Thank you all for the encouragement and support as we continue through the month!     One thing the hubs and I decided is we should make a list of all the projects that we need to complete around the house to keep me busy and not failing my

No Spend February Week 1 Complete!

No Spend Month Saving Money

Week one of No Spend February is done!  It was tough as we had a Superbowl party on Sunday that we needed to provide food for and a dog that had to go to the vet for a tumor removal which was unexpected.  The Superbowl party we had already budgeted for so that wasn’t too

Blog Name Change & More


Yes, soon you won’t be coming to anymore but instead will be heading to my new site which is in the works as we speak.  Three years ago when I was changing my blog name for the first time, I almost went with Inspiring Hearts & Homes, but I didn’t and I can’t even

Adding bling to the back of the bookshelf

zebra back of bookcase

While wandering through TJ Maxx one day, I found this awesome zebra contact paper on clearance for $3.  I have held onto this paper, hoping to use it in my home someday but not really sure when or on what.  Originally I was thinking maybe for my hubby’s office but he was not a big