Word of the Year Check In


Back in January I blogged about my word of the year, Deeper.   Here is some of what I hoped to go Deeper on and I’ve added underneath with the date how I think I’m doing. Deeper in my relationship with Christ and submitting my life to Him. April 29 – Although I haven’t been journaling

Kids Bathroom ORC Week 4

Seashell Wall Art

So I’m late in posting this.  There are many reasons.  I am indecisive for one.  The bead board is a big fat failure and I’ll explain that in a few minutes.  My success for the week was finding some accessories and frames from Kohls, that I am using for some free seashell prints I printed

Kids Bathroom Progress ORC


Not much has happened on the bathroom this past week.  We did manage to get the trim finished, well finished as in put up on the wall.  There are nail holes to fill, caulking to be done and then painting.   Just in case you missed the past few weeks, here is where we started,

Spring on the Front Door


The snow has melted, the temps were in the 60’s this week and I think we can safely say, Spring has arrived in Minnesota!  So thankful for the sunshine and warmth the past few days!   Now it’s time to bring some spring to the outside of our home.  We live in a subdivision which

Kids Bathroom Week 2

stripe shower curtain chevron nautical

It’s week two of the One Room Challenge and it’s fun to see the different stages the bloggers are in, some are in full demo mode, some still settling on a plan or picking out fabric and paint.  You can see my week one post here.  I am prettying up this orangestrosity of a bathroom.

Kids Bathroom Ideas


Have you heard of the One Room Challenge?  Linda from Calling it Home gathers together a group of bloggers and they have 6 weeks to finish your room.  Each week there is an updated blog post on how the room is coming along.    Every Thursday there is a link up and anyone can join

Quick & Easy Tater Tot Casserole

tatertot casserole easy dinner

Re-posting this oldy but goody here today.  When I first had this back in high school, the hubs and I were obsessed with this casserole, we made it a lot.  I even made it frequently when we were first married and had little kids.  Eventually though I grew to dislike Tater Tot Casserole or TTC