Time to get healthy

A few weeks ago I had a routine physical, my last one was 3 years ago so I figured it was time.  My PA requested some blood work to get a baseline for my cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. seeing as apparently I don’t have any record of this for many many years.  (I don’t like

Navy blue is in the house….again


Oh navy blue, I love you and can’t stay away for long.  Our first encounter was in my master bedroom, daring, I know!  And I loved you then, all bold and blue but after a while you were too much for me and I needed a change. I tried other blues in another room instead but they just weren’t

Hardwood floors and Popcorn Ceilings


Hey friends, Well it’s summer and if your summer is going anything like mine, well it’s been crazy!  I think I said the same thing last summer too.  We’ve been busy bees around here even with having company and being gone to have our hardwood floors refinished.   When we first considered having our hardwood