30 Day Photo Challenge Week 2

I’m back with my 30 day Photo Challenge and linking up with . I failed this week, I didn’t hardly spend any time on this and I thought this would be so easy! Here are the ones I did complete this week.

Day 8 A bad habit

My bubs loves to take cups out of the drawer and fill them with water from the front of the fridge.  He doesn’t want to drink them all, just fill them up, set them on the counter and make a mess.  This was the only bad habit I captured on film this week.  The rest might not have been fit for this blog!

Day 9 Someone You Love
This was a hard challenge because there are 5 people in  this house that I love but I chose the obvious one.  Without him, there wouldn’t be four other people and I’d be really lonely and sad.

Day 10 A Childhood Memory – FAIL 
Day 11 Something Blue
While out exploring a Nature Area with the kids on my birthday, I zoomed in and saw the duck and turtle sharing this little pallet out in the middle of the pond.  Love the blue water and waves in this picture.

Day 12 A Sunset – FAIL

Day 13 Yourself with 13 Things
I was scrambling to do this one, not my best for sure but fun to play with the timer on the camera!  Plus it’s fun to show off my new thrifty $12 for the pair, lamps! 

Day 14 Eyes
 This was hard! I tried shooting my eyes but that didn’t work well.  I also tried my hubby and son but they didn’t work out either.  So I went with Ruby the Goldendoodles. 

So that’s it for this week!  I did play around with my camera this weekend a bit while we were at out in nature and thought I’d share a few that aren’t part of the challenge.  I tried to focus on just the red leaf while blurring the background a bit.

I then tried the opposite effect on the tree.  I focused on the leaves further back while blurring the leaves in front.

I just liked the contrast between the tree and the sky.  

I really liked this shot of the turtle sunning himself.

 And these last two shots it seems to me the turtle and duck are having a conversation.   Kind of reminds me of Wonder Pets. 

I hope you’ll head over to and see what others who are taking the challenge have been capturing all week with their cameras. There were some AMAZING photos last week!



  1. Jean @ Flower Hill says

    Day 13…does that mean you chose lamp choice #2? Uh oh, what happens to the entryway ceiling fixtures then?

  2. Lisa @ Before Meets After says

    I can't believe you know Michelle! She is a REAL life friend of mine :) I just saw that you were linked up on her blog!! How cool :) Great pics by the way! (And I LOVE the lampshades!)

  3. Holly says

    I'm loving your photos! Your Something Blue is great! And wasn't Day 13 difficult?! I had a hard time putting it together too but yours came out great. Love the thrifty lamps btw :)

    -Holly @

  4. Kara @ June & Bear says

    I love your Wonder Pets shots. And your blue dresser in the self portrait shot. I failed to get a couple of them this week too.

  5. Dusty Coyote says

    Wonder Pets! Hee hee, I have that song ingrained in my brain forever! Very cool photos! You didn't fail, just skipped a couple. Love the lamps and chest. All your pictures are good. Sweet moment with your son at the fridge with cookie(?) on his mouth :)
    Also…gorgeous new profile picture!!!!

  6. Sarah says

    Wonder Pets…hahahaha!!! SO true! :) And I loved those pics, by the way, of the turtle, duck and water. Gorgeous! Another fav…the pic of the tree contrasted against the bright sky. Super cool!

  7. Emily @ EAKaHouse says

    I love that sofa table! Beautiful color on it. I'm glad you added the other nature pics. I think when I am done with the 30 day challenge I may have to post a list of my runner-ups

  8. Lisa - A Room with A View says

    THis series is ingenious..I need something like this or a quick tutorial in how to use my camera more effectively…great pics, though..love the first one particularly :)sorry!

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