Happy Valentines Day!

Ah Valentines Day, one of the most commercialized days of the year for love, well after Kim Kardishian’s wedding that is.  Or was it her divorce?  Did I just say that out loud?  Oops!
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According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of Valentine’s Day is: The reason so many people are born in November.   HA!  Unless your birthday is in November, then maybe you are a little grossed out right now.
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Ok for real peeps, I don’t really care that much about Valentines Day but it is fun to celebrate with my spouse and also my children but we do not go all out in our house. To me it feels like a forced holiday, I don’t want flowers because of a day that says you need to buy me flowers, buy me flowers because you want to. If for some reason you want to buy me flowers I love yellow roses the best but really almost any rose color will do, except for the ones that are yellow and red, I am not fond of those.

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We try and do the simple cheap things around here, like love notes, candy, a nice dinner at home and maybe a date on a different night of the week if we are going out. Last year we had this for dinner, Italian Bow Tie Pasta Skillet.

This picture doesn’t do this meal justice, it’s really good!
Today we are having Stromboli which is kind of like rolled up pizza, my family’s favorite meal.  I’ll be happy because everyone will eat without complaining and dinner will be pleasant.  (Note to self, take an after picture of stromboli and post to the blog).  Dessert will be some banana cake with cream cheese frosting, yummy!


Hopefully there is cake left by the time dinner is over, seriously I could eat the whole thing right now.
Maybe you aren’t prepared for Valentines Day and you haven’t had time to run to the store and purchase your man a card. All the good cards are gone by now anyways, trust me.  Never fear, there is still time to get your man a card and it requires no running to the store.  I am sure he will even put it in his wallet or sock drawer and take it out from time to time to read it.  You can write him a Respect Letter.
You could get creative and maybe craft up a card but even just some lined paper, folded up with his name on the front will work. He really won’t care about the pretty stamping or scrapbook embellishments, trust me.
Maybe you are not excited for Valentines Day this year because your relationship isn’t doing well or maybe you just want to read a really amazing story about love.  You will want to read this blog post,  A Redeeming Love Story.

This is a true story, I have their permission to share this story and it is one that I am happy to share with you all.

No matter what you are doing today, I hope you are having a wonderful day and get the chance to tell those special people in your life how much you love them!  So from me to you:
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Thank you for following my little ol’ blog, I enjoy all your comments and emails, they mean so much to me!

Now tell me, what are your plans for Valentines Day?


  1. Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says

    happy valentine's day! we are having sushi- now that we have moved and had to pay for all that moving includes, we just don't have extra money to get sushi once a month like we used to, so it is a real treat for us tonight!

  2. rachel @ Just a Touch of Gray says

    Happy V-day Ange! We'll be staying in this year too. And that's just the way I like it! Enjoy your Stromboli – yum!

  3. Kelly @ View Along the Way says

    Happy valentines day! :) I'm always kidding a couple friend of ours because they had two kids both born on Nov 14 – EXACTLY 9 months after v-day.

  4. Jean @ Flower Hill says

    Happy Valentine's Day! My husband and I keep it simple on Valentine's Day! I'm fortunate that he shows me he loves me all year through! On Valentine's Day we have a family dinner because my son is my Valentine too. :) My husband and I will go to lunch one day during the week while my son is in school for some alone time where we actually have a moment to talk to one another. Enjoy your Valentine's Day!

  5. Lisa Scibilia says

    Oooooh that banana cake looks yummy! (I'm all about the food!) We have a very romantic night planned that includes my husband coaching my daughter's basketball practice while I take one son to his practice and go watch the other one's game. Somewhere in there we'll sneak in some chili – now if chili isn't romantic, I don't know what is!!!!

    Enjoy your stomboli and cake and loving all over your valentines!! Happy day my friend xox

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