Home goals mid-year check in & summer goals

Back in January I blogged about our 2012 House Goals.    I’m not sure if I had too much to drink on New Years or if perhaps I was just feeling a bit ambitious but looking through the goals and seeing what I’ve accomplished so far this year, I’m not encouraged.

– I did make some progress on the bedroom but it still needs some help.  We managed to replace all three doors, stencil the wall, paint the nightstands and add some pillows.

Still need artwork, bedskirt and to find a shade for the ceiling fan light.

The master bathroom looks exactly the same as it did in January.

Kitchen – This room has been started, we will see how long before it’s finished.


With new countertops, lighting, a backsplash, new hardware and a new faucet on the list, along with a rug and some shades, this might carry over into the new year.

Mudroom – I’m laughing and crying…….this isn’t even on the radar.

Dining Room – Possibility of getting painted at least this year, that’s something, right?

The Bub’s Room – Well I did finish this project!  Still love this room, he still loves his room, it’s all good!


I also managed to knock out Little A’s Room as well which wasn’t on the list.



I did manage to paint most of the main floor and the upstairs areas both the walls and the trim, along with installing new doors on the main floor and the second floor.

We have not replaced the handles yet.  I haven’t touched the basement trim and don’t plan to until this winter when I’m going crazy from the snow and cold.

Haven’t touched the bathroom vanities and frankly I’m not sure they will make the cut this year.

We did manage to set up a pool and a playset in our backyard though and that wasn’t on the list!

The older two girls now want their bedrooms done because the two smaller kids had their bedrooms designed this spring.  The promise was after our vacation mommy could start on them.  So this summer I will be starting on two bedrooms, one wants turquoise and zebra, the other wants turquoise and coral.  (In case you haven’t noticed, 4 rooms in our house are already a shade of blue, I think my love of blue is taking over the house).  How can we have three girls and no pink bedrooms?  Not that I mind.

Have fun together!  This goal is going to be my summer motto.  When the kids are fighting I”m going to yell say Please, just Have Fun Together!!!!  When we are all tired of being in the car after 8 hours on the road next week,  I will sing in my lovely voice, Have Fun Together everyone.  Really I am looking forward to a fun summer with the pool, our vacation and lots of sunny days ahead!

Last but not least, I think we’ve done an ok job of using our home for God and His Glory.  We hosted a youth group small group in our home that ended in May.  My MOPS table also had a few girls nights here, we’ve hosted three birthday parties so far, had countless play dates, played games, hide and seek, made cookies and had fun family togetherness.  So thankful for this home, our giant backyard, our neighbors that we love to hang out with and that this is where we get to be a family!

Have you looked at your house goals from January?  Are you doing well with your list?


Linking up here with my friend !  Won’t you come join me?




  1. says

    I have to say you’ve done a great job thus far! You sure inspire me because you set the goal and you do see it through….can’t wait to see your kitchen all finished because I know it’s going to look awesome!

  2. Maury @ life on mars says

    Your bedroom is awesome and I think you’re being too hard on yourself. You got 2 rooms done that you hadn’t planned on! So that means you should take two rooms off ( like the mushroom and the bathroom).

  3. says

    I love the checking in on your new year’s goals. I think you have accomplished a TON so far! Redecorating two kid’s rooms, all the work in your master bedroom and painting your entire upstairs? Huge. Plus you left out the fact that you have rearranged your living room furniture approximately 2,345 times in 2012! You inspire me Ange!! I love your plan for the summer – I will follow suite and sing JUST HAVE FUN TOGETHER all summer long in my most patient and sweet voice!! :)

  4. says

    haha I made a “goals” list at the beginning of last summer and found it a couple months ago. I had a good laugh at everything that I didn’t do. :P You’re in good company!

    I may come steal that blue hutch in your dining room. :)

  5. says

    Girlfriend!! So awesome to meet you this week at Haven. I will definitely be stalking, I mean, reading your blog :-) I spy some amazing projects…

    Let’s be in touch, cause I have tons of photos of you taking photos of me that I have to share. Ha!

    P.S. I’m your newest subscriber. Woot!

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