The New Place

The New Place, such a clever name isn’t it? Ok, not really but it’s one of like five styles of houses people in this neighborhood had to chose from, we live in one of those cookie cutter type of places.  Anyways, maybe I’ll come up with a more clever name after we’ve been here a bit. I’m also open to suggestions so if you can think of something, let me know.

Here is the Exterior, I am planning to take some new photos soon seeing as the for sale sign is gone, our grass is green not brown and I’ve already ripped out some bushes in the front walkway.  Why do people always plant barberry near the walkway?  Have you ever fallen into one of those bushes?  All I can say is, OWIE!!!  Especially with small and often times clumsy children running around, it’s just not a good idea.  I mean really, is it supposed to deter burglars?  Or maybe it’s cheap and that’s why people buy it? 
I am also trying to convince hubby we should paint the front door a fun color but so far he’s not on board.    I also think a cute little table and chairs and maybe a few pots of flowers would brighten up the front some.  

I will be posting interior pictures and updates very soon!  Can you say home in progress?  That’s the name of this game for a while here so come back often!


  1. Andrea@ourbluefrontdoor says

    You have a beautiful home and yes it's a work in progress always! It's home and it's where your heart and family are and you have to love that. I have to agree with you painting the front door would make it pop.
    Have a great weekend

  2. Shan says

    Ange, it is just right! I am so happy for you. Knowing you, after you are done, you will have the best curb appeal in the neighborhood! I've never liked the term "cookie cutter" homes because even though the outside of the homes look relatively similar, the inside is always done to the taste and style of the family members who live there. :) It is big and beautiful, that is why I say it is just right for your family. I had to laugh about the barberry bushes because I completely AGREE with you! LOL I think I red door would look kind of cool with some rustic looking shutters…just my two cents worth. {not trying to spend your money or anything ;)} I am just overflowing with happiness for you & your sweet family. So glad you posted photos!!!

  3. Zazzy Episodes says

    How about The Sunnyside Barberry Gable or Manor? Check out this website for ideas on naming your house.

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