Project Success!!!!

Remember the other week when I posted this post, Project Fail!!!? Well I am here to say

After the chalk wouldn’t erase even with a damp cloth from the wall and it was all bumpy and weird looking, I went back to the wall, sanded it down so it wasn’t so bumpy from the texture and then put two more coats of chalkboard paint on
it and then somewhat patiently waited three days before I could test it out. You need to season the wall with chalk before you use it the first time and I think I went through 4 pieces of chalk because I “seasoned” the stink out of it. I even made the hubs help me on his lunch break. I am sure he loved helping. Ok, maybe he didn’t love helping me but he did leave me a cute little note of encouragement on the chalkboard wall.

I also painted the light switch plate with chalkboard paint, added a cute little hook to hang the chalk bucket from and also hung a cute little clock on the wall. Here it is with kid scribble on it, just the way I like it!

I’m so glad I went back and redid the wall.  The kids have loved drawing all over it, the bubs especially wants us to “play chalk, me?”  translated “play chalk with me?”  It’s been handy to write phone numbers and other information on it as well.  So, thankfully I turned project fail into project success! 

I’m linking up here:

and getting ready for this:


  1. Emily@TheWickerHouse says

    Thanks for the tips. It looks great. I'd love to have one of these in my home, my boys would love it!

  2. Pine Tree Home says

    Sometimes you need to let a project sit a little bit and then it comes to life again. Great job.

  3. Yvonne@StyleBurb says

    I think I would stand there all day just doodling or playing Xs and Os with the kids! I love the way it turned out and I'm so glad you showed us how it went from fail to success. Very useful tips, Ange!

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