The snow has melted, the temps were in the 60’s this week and I think we can safely say, Spring has arrived in Minnesota! So thankful for the sunshine and warmth the past few days! Now it’s time to bring some spring to the outside of our home. We live in a subdivision which has typical cookie cutter style homes. When we first moved in, I spray painted our mailbox a bright blue color. I love it! It’s so fun and also a great way to tell people what house is mine, just look for the blue mailbox.
When we first moved in, our shutters and front door were a faded cranberry color so I spray painted the shutters black and also painted the front door black. It was nice for a while, nice as in a safe color choice. Now that I know we aren’t moving and this is our home for a long time, I decided it’s time to change it up.
This was my inspiration, thanks to !
When cruising through Target the other day, I found this Indoor/Outdoor rug by Threshold for only $20 and I knew it was time for a bright green front door! I skipped over to Home Depot and ordered up some by Behr.
This color is similar to my laundry room which was frolic by Sherwin Williams. Here’s a refresher of that color. Probably a little too much for such a small room with no natural light.
I am hoping by just having a pop of color on the door I won’t end up hating it like I did the laundry room. Obviously I have a thing for blue and green together.
I made myself this wreath to tie in the blue on the door seeing as the rug isn’t visible until you are on the porch. I still need to add some pillows and decor for the little table but I don’t want to add that yet as it’s only April here and last year we had a snowstorm on May 2nd with 14 inches of snow. So for now, we are welcoming spring with our bright and cheery front door, rug and wreath while we wait for warmer days!
The great thing about the door is that when I am tired of the green, it’s very easy to paint again. So I’d love to know, what color is your front door?
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