Welcome to the Blooming Hydrangea

Welcome and thanks for joining me at The Blooming Hydrangea! If you are joining me from my previous blog , some things will look familiar to you and of course, some things are brand new. If this is your first time here, I’m glad you stopped by! Take a peak at some of my feature rooms, maybe check out the recipes and just have a look around. I hope you’ll come back often and maybe even bring a friend or two with you! There will be some great giveaways starting on Sunday so be on the lookout for those because who doesn’t love a giveaway?
At my new blog you will also find new recipes, a monthly Blooming Blog link up party, a featured Blooming Blogger each month and also a new feature called Love & Life. So I hope you’ll stop back and see what’s happening at The Blooming Hydrangea!


  1. Yvonne@StyleBurb says

    Oh Ange, I absolutely LOVE the new design, the new name, the new color scheme and your plans for things to come! I also love how you have your name in a different color on your blog header. I will for sure link up to your Blooming Blog party. Congratulations on a wonderful new blog!!!

  2. At The Picket Fence says

    Yeah!! It's official the Blooming Hydrangea has..bloomed! ;) I think this is going to be so fabulous Ange. Proud of you for taking a leap of faith and starting this new endeavor. At The Picket Fence will be following your journey!

    Blessings to your friend!

    Heather and Vanessa

  3. April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears says

    The recipe box is my favorite, but I love the pics of your room makeovers! Very nice!

  4. Zazzy Episodes says

    I completely love your new blog and look how very creative you were with your name within the name of your blog!
    I love the colors and the design, kudos to you for picking something new that works well, and of course I'll be following you.

  5. The McCutcheons says

    Ange, I LOVE your blog. You'll do great because you are so talented. (Don't enter me into any of your giveaways! I consider you my sister…so, we are like family!) I will leave you comments because I like you…not because I want anything. Go, Ange!!

    Good luck to the winner!

  6. Andrea@ourbluefrontdoor says

    What a great name you've chosen! It looks great and I love the colors too. Looking forward to following along with you and sharing ideas!!

  7. Vivienne @ the V Spot says

    What a clever name! I saw your playroom make-over featured in a couple of places! Nice job! I'm gonna follow just to see where you're gonna go! :)

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