Meet Ruby

Here is the newest member of our household, Ruby! She is 3/4 Poodle and 1/4 Golden Retriever making her a mutt Goldendoodle. So far she’s adjusting really well, not whining at night but maybe that’s because she’s been sleeping in our bed. She has done great with the collar and leash, potty training and even being kenneled. Ruby’s first car ride was 4.5 hour long trip with people she didn’t know and 4 of them were kids, one who was crabby with shingles, a dog that growled at her most of the way and a vehicle crammed tighter than tight with stuff. All in all, it’s been going great here so far! The girls love having a playful puppy and even Heidi the schnauzer is coming around to the idea of a puppy in her house. Here are a few pictures from the last few days!

I’m sure you will be seeing more of Ruby in the next few months on here.  I love how stinking cute she is!  Have a great night everyone!


  1. Karen @ THEBUSYBUG says

    Ohhh she is just beautiful! She reminds me of our dog Shadow who passed away 3 years ago. He was a Pekingese Poodle. Enjoy her.

  2. Yvonne@StyleBurb says

    Hi Ruby, it's very nice to meet you! I love the white patch on your chest and I'm glad to hear that your like your new home! My dog likes to sleep with me too!

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